My bedroom is a radiant yellow and is now finished nicely with my handmade Bird Seed curtains (check previous post r.e. Alexander Bird seed fabrics).
I have been told that yellow is not a sensible choice of colour for the bedroom owing to its distracting vibrancy. Apparantly you don't really settle properly. However, whilst these beautiful birds are the first thing I see in the morning illuminated by the morning sunshine, my light-box of a bedroom is in fact a joy to wake up to (even if I'm little sleep deprived).
I have been told that yellow is not a sensible choice of colour for the bedroom owing to its distracting vibrancy. Apparantly you don't really settle properly. However, whilst these beautiful birds are the first thing I see in the morning illuminated by the morning sunshine, my light-box of a bedroom is in fact a joy to wake up to (even if I'm little sleep deprived).