Monday, 24 January 2011

Faram au Fait in Rotherham - Stars in Stripes exhibition opening!

The Stars in Stripes will imminently launch the large scale exhibition in Rotherham this THURSDAY 27 JANUARY 2011 with an event which opens 7pm till late. (The show runs till mid-February). Our window based art work began in December and we took to the interior space of the Old Market Building in January. We'll accompany our show with cakes and booze, prints by each artist (here's a preview of mine) and live tshirt drawing. We'll play music too. Renaissance Rotherham!

Saturday, 8 January 2011

a-n magazine review of publication Failure by Lisa le Feuvre

I recently won a copy of Failure and with it the opportunity to review the book for A-N Magazine  Interface. I became so involved in reading this publication, finding Lisa le Feuvre's topic to be as inseperable from our approach to working and living as (what we perceive to be) our pursuit for success. I advise everyone to read this book and not see the sense in finding some happy medium, it's somewhere between  success and failure and it's where the fun happens!

A book with Failure written boldly on the cover is terribly appealing. There is something tantalising about the concept and Lisa le Feuvre has finally granted failure the long overdue recognition in this impressive anthology which ‘establishes failure as a core concern in contemporary cultural production’. Finally we see how involved we are in failure, not just in the recent contemporary art which proudly strives to fail, but in art which has failed throughout history both accidentally and intentionally.