Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Paintings by Amy Bennett

It's been a while since I've seen paintings that have made me do a little gasp! Amy Bennett's paintings seem to portray suburbia as I picture it in my head. I found her thanks to  It's Nice That magazine and their online blog which points out the nice things around us so we don't miss them.  Amy Bennett's work is certainly nice... and beautiful, and simple and captivating. 

Acutely aware that I'm gushing but this is oil painting just as I'd like to achieve it myself,  applying lighting and flat colour to build an atmosphere like that on film sets, of false and fiction and utopia. Bennett has literally painted from observation of miniature town models and scenery. They are clearly fabricated subjects but surely any painting of real life suburbia will be tweaked to some degree by the artist, even if unintentionally. Let's pretend these are real places and that one day we might relocate...

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