Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Spring Clean and other news of Sheffield

Cripes. That's a long time to not say anything. Despite the fancy Faram Au Fait blog re-branding (thanks to Victor Simao of Random Object) I have been unable to do justice to the glorious gingham, et al).

I'm busy working hard at Site Gallery and Article Magazine - which leads me to point out some highlights:
  • Working with Jeremiah Day and learning more about the shadows of political struggle cast over lives in Berlin, particularly from the perspective of a US born artist now living in my favourite concrete city besides Sheffield.
    • Reading OWT Creative's latest zine 'Trial and Error' is inspiring for anyone making and failing. Often disasters or little trips along the way lead you to make something far more interesting.
    • Talking to Mass Observation about everything they do, all of which is brilliant - thinking about shops, what they could and should look like and should definitely sell, like this '132kv PL16' single colour ofset print >>>>
    • Otherwise, I'm about to have some slide photographs enlarged and will share these - they're from last summer, and as the weather has improved they're appropriate again!

    Excitedly I announce via Article Magazine the news of the next issue launch - April 18 2012...


    "ARTICLE magazine is back, with a new issue available on April the 18th! With a £5 cover price, the magazine will be available nationally. You can order subscriptions now and receive a gift.
    The new issue of Article will take on what it means for something to be ‘Broken’. It’s timely. Watch the news, read the papers, listen to people talk in the pub: The whole world is going to shit, and no-one is really doing anything about it, apparently.

    Through a range of features and design we will explore the obsession with abandoned buildings, the failings of city centre planning, the rhetoric of Broken Britain, and what the recession actually means for art. Our interviews with artists and designers ask why people don’t study repair instead of design and what it means to break something intentionally... read more

    Image courtesy of Garry Martin, Hyper Real at Backlit Nottingham

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