Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Putting pen and brush to paper more often

A little note to explain the delay. I'm on the brink of a few art projects my time has sadly been stretched lately! Doc/Fest was in Sheffield last week and normal life paused a little. I saw a lovely new film about the old favourite Rolf Harris, and was blessed to share the first screening of this film with the star in question.

It should be showing on television around christmas I think...The film confirms what we already know of Rolf as a wonderful person and accomplished painter, tracking his painterly process executing several interpretations of the scene from Midsummer Nights Dream where Titania falls in love with Bottom the donkey. Much like the Henry Fuseli masterpiece of the 18th century. He is shown getting on famously with Lily Cole and Jade Jagger amongst other females in pop culture who pose as Titania for him. It's a real comfort to see that everything we find endearing in Rolf Harris is quite true.

  • There's writing to be done for the cracking Article Magazine , with the next issue out just before Christmas! 
  • Review for AN Interface (AN magazines website) on the book Failure by Lisa le Feuvre which I'm hankering to read now and feel it's publication is timely. Failure has almost become a familiar friend, as we're all having to face it to some degree and it is a healthy way to work particularly as an artist with failures often leading to better, more reasoned results. Not something to be afraid of.
  • Project in Rotherham (where you must believe me, some thrilling art and music projects and events have come to fruition in 2010, certainly something has been revived!) The Stars in Stripes will be doing something special at 'Histogram' in December!
  • I'm also working on an illustration commission for wedding invitations, goes without saying that this is a treat.
 So that's plenty. Be right back with evidence of new work!


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