Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Rotherham is the new Berlin

The next issue of Article Magazine will be out in early February. In the interim, I've been writing a bunch of articles to be fed onto the online version of the mag, you can read the first of these on the website today! :
S1 Artspace relaunch - interview with Louise Hutchinson the curator. S1 is one of the most significant artist led spaces in the North and it's celebrating 15 years of being established, coincidentally this anniversary also ties in with their move to a new premises...exciting times for them. (If you're in or close to Sheffield, their relaunch event is this Friday 10th December at 6pm!)

Rotherham exhibition!
 It's been snowing like there's no tomorrow in Sheffield. In fact we've had way over foot and now we're dealing with the icy aftermath...We haven't been able to get to Rotherham as much as we'd like (seriously) but the thrilling news is we've got the ball rolling for our forthcoming 'Stars in Stripes' exhibition! 
In the few weeks before Christmas we'll be drawing on the windows of the exhibition space, they're a huge feature as they make up 3 of the 4 walls.We will keep a record of the work in progress and upload it to the Stars in Stripes website.

Rotherham is the new Berlin! But I'm sure you already knew that. It's time we give Rotherham another go.Buy a tshirt to express your optimism.

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